During this week, what we learnt was to scan 3D bodies with the software that we were given, and then, how to be able to work with our scanned bodies in the computer. This was a really nice task, because it was a very good approach to real working in hospitals when a prosthetic is going to be done.
STEP 1: Learning how to scan:The first thing that we were supposed to do with the scanner (can be seen in the first picture) was to rescale a box that appears in the screen as part of the software in order to isolate the part we want to scan as much as possible. Once we had done that, the next thing we saw was the piece we were going to scan greener, and afterwards we just chose scan.
Once the program starts scanning, you only need to move slowly (if you are moving too fast the program will tell) around the figure you want to scan, trying to close as much of the figure as you can. With that I am saying that you should try to scan all the object surfaces in order to have less error when working with it in the future.
The first thing that needs to be done is open the body we want to work with in Meshmixer. In my case I worked with my own arm. Once I had opened it, I had to put the figure in a good plane in order to work in a better way with it. For doing this I selected edit, and the transform . This can be seen in the first picture.
Once I had the body in the desired position, the next thing that I should do was to get rid of the excess that had been captures with the scanner but was not of my interest. In order to do that, inside edit I had to select the plane cut option . I did two different plane cuts in order to get rid of the chair in which my arm was lying, and the forearm. The result of this can be seen in the second picture.
The last step that needs to be done is to clean the body with Meshmixer. Once I only had the pieces of the arm that interested me, I went to the sculpt mode and there I chose the robust smooth brush . Since I had to get close to the figure in order to be able to remove the errors better, I had to use again the transform feature. The result of the smoothing can be seen in the third picture. . The last step was to export the body as an object in order to be able to open it in the AutodeskFusion.