The last thing that I did the last day was to save the different bodies as STL in order to be able to export them out of Autodesk Fusion. So the next thing we needed to do was to prepare our different figures in Ultimaker Cura in order to be able to print the figures.
STEP 1: Importing the figures:The first thing that needs to be done is to import the different figures we want to print. In order to do this we just have to choose file, and then open file.
Now that we have imported the figures, we need to move them and try to settle them in the middle. This is because the middle is the part in which the 3D printerĀ“s base will be hotter, and this will help the figure to be printed better.
We are going to select each figure and with the rotate and move functions, we will try to move the figures in order to put the flatter part of it lying against the base of the printer.
The first thing that needed to be done after placing all the figures in the middle was to choose the correct printer. Since I had created a thread at the end of one of the figures, I ended up with the printer named Ultimaker 2+, since it was more precise.
After the checking the 3D printerĀ“s nozzle, I chose 0,4mm, with profile of 0,1mm . Once these parameters were settled I selected to use supports in order to have a better result. In the support tab I selected them to be everywhere and an overhang angle of 45.
In order to check that the supports had generated in the proper way, I selected layer view and then pressed the prepare button. Then, I save the data and transferred it to the card in order to print the figure.
After letting the printer do its work for almost 13 hours, when I came back to the FABlab the next day I picked up my piece from the 3D printer. I had to remove the different excess created by the supports and I assembled the two pieces, for the joint to move several ways.